Advanced Materials
Frontier Laboratories Advanced Materials
Advanced material characterization exerts a considerable influence on product design and manufacturing, as accurate knowledge of material properties and behaviours is critical in creating safe, durable, and efficient products. Pyrolysis-GCMS technique play vital role in solving various analytical challenges in advanced materials research like reverse engineering, failure analysis and micro contamination.Frontier Laboratories leads the way in innovative solutions with Our cutting-edge analytical pyrolysis instruments and methods empower quality control in advanced materials characterization.

Evaluation of deterioration degree of exterior wall coatings using Micro UV-Irradiator
Coatings used for exterior surfaces are desired to be chemically and thermally stable and physically durable. Weathering tests are often used to evaluate durability and expected lifespan of a coating; however, weatherability evaluation by natural outdoor exposures to sunlight requires a very long-term testing and it also takes weeks to months even when accelerated weathering is done by a weather meter.In this report, the correlation in UV irradiation time between a Micro-UV Irradiator and a metal halide weather meter was examined using the same samples as characterized in Technical Note PYA5-010E.
Analysis of Thermoset Resin Using Double-Shot Pyrolyzer and Peripheral Devices
Using this technique, analysis of components in each peak allows detailed characterization of polymers. Fig. 2 shows chromatograms of three temperature regions, A, B, and C observed in the EGA curve of a thermoset resin described in Double-Shot Pyrolyzer® Technical Note PYA1 016E. Triphenylphosphineoxide, a reaction catalyst, was found in peak A, while various phenols, thermal decomposition products of phenol resin, and styrene monomer, thermal decomposition product from polystyrene, were found in peaks B and C. As shown here, analysis of each temperature region of an EGA Curve offers detailed information on polymers.