Multi-shot pyrolyzer

Pyrolysis-GCMS Applications (Pyrolyzer-PY3030D)

Plastics – Rubber – Paints & Coatings – Specialty Chemicals – Automobile – Forensic – Environmental

We have wide range of applications because of which many industries use our system. This  include physical property evaluation of polymer materials used in various advanced scientific fields such as quality control in aircraft and automobile industries, differentiation of rubber, paint, paper in forensic investigations, and identification of environmental pollutants such as microplastics. Most common techniques used in these industries are Evolved Gas Analysis, Thermal Desorption (TD-GCMS) and Flash Pyrolysis (Py-GCMS). Our Main product is Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer which can be operated in different mode to meet different challenges. Please browse below section to learn about different applications.

Polymer analysis

Applications of PYGCMS is employed in plastic and polymer industries for QC (polymer and additive analysis), rubber and failure analysis/reverse engineering (unknown analysis) in scientific laboratory.

Various analytical techniques, viz evolved gas analysis, thermal desorption, flash pyrolysis, double-shot, Heart-Cutting of individual EGA thermal zones, and reactive pyrolysis can be figured with PY303D.

We have published variety of applications notes related to 3D printing polymers. Please download it for the details.

Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA or PLLA) is widely used in 3D printing materials. The composition of 3D Printing polymer filament material is critical including the presence of PDLA or any compatible additives or modifiers.

Evolved Gas Analysis followed by a single shot/flash pyrolysis to confirm the presence of the PLA or its monomer and the general absence of other additives.

We have set of applications, developed to serve automotive industry. Please download the book for details

Multiple analytical pyrolysis techniques such as evolved gas analysis, thermal desorption, flash pyrolysis and EGA heart-cut are employed to characterize various materials in the automotive industry.

 To assist automotive industry customers, Frontier scientists have created a “method map”. An overview of the “method map” is provided on page 38.

Microplastics identification in Sea Surface Water Using Micro-Furnace Pyrolysis-GC/MS

Microplastics (MP) have recently been considered as emerging contaminants in the water environment. There are many challenges in the analysis of Environmental Microplastics due to lack of suitable techniques for sampling, sample preparation and analysis. Frontier offer PYGCMS based analytical workflow for the mass concentration of microplastics in various matrices.

Polymer processing

Analytical Pyrolyzer is used in different industries starting from polymer process, forensic, energy, coating, elastomer, adhesives, Paints and Inks, Textile chemicals, Paper and Pulb and Environmental Analysis. This booklet gives an overview of different types of analysis where Pyrolyzer is employed for solving different analytica problems. All four different analytical tehniques have been used in different occations.

We have developed application notes for cannibis analysis. Please download the booklet

Most of the traditional methodologies for the determination of cannabinoids are based on solvent extraction, filtration, and concentration. These techniques are cumbersome, timeconsuming, and suffer from analyst-to-analyst variability while
producing data of limited value.

TD-GCMS is used for rapid screening of cannabinoids in Edibles. It is fast, uses minimal or no solvent, and eliminates the need for expensive